Our range of four varieties of complete dog food is formulated to give your dog all it needs to thrive. We understand the unique nutritional needs of adult dogs, and our recipe prioritises high-quality protein from real meat. This provides the essential building blocks for strong muscles and a healthy coat. As we only put one species type in each can, so only chicken is in the chicken variety and salmon in the salmon, you can be sure your dog is eating just the ingredients that work for them as individuals. If you are thinking of changing your current food to Thrive you will have perhaps noticed that other brands tell you to do this over a week. This makes no sense. The reason they tell you to do this is because if they asked you to change it over in one foul swoop their foods are so cheap and unpalatable that your dog wouldn’t want to eat it -so you have to somehow disguise it and trick them. At Thrive you can swap our foods completely right NOW and your dog will love Thrive and will thank you forever.